Lecture of Kramer Electronics founder

To tell the truth, I didn’t expect much about it but at the end I regretted a lot that didn’t bring all my employees. The lecture was very interesting. A little bit of history, no technical information, but, and this is important, story about philosophy of the company and those ideas Dr. Kramer’s life and business are guided by. And the latest and very interesting ideas about business developing and new trends of our industry.

Kramer Electronics Company has a great path, starting from a video enhancement device production, which was in great demand. It’s been over thirty years and today Kramer produces four new devices every week, yielding only to such monster as Sony.

Answering the question how the company managed to stay among world AV industry leaders all this time and how it’s going to get through world unified standards passage, Doctor had recalled the Tower of Babel story and simply answered: “They will never agree. And world will always need our boxes”.

This optimistic vision of the future has not young but very energetic Dr. Kramer. Good luck!
